
OutlineSDGs Ambassador
SDGs Ambassador
About the Okayama University Ambassador System

Okayama University grants the name "Okayama University SDGs Ambassador" to organizations and individuals (including students, faculty and staff of Okayama University) inside and outside of the university, as well as to clubs and other organizations at the university that agree with the SDGs activities promoted by the university and are willing to promote such activities together with the university, and to organizations and individuals deemed particularly necessary by the Director of the SDGs Promotion Division.
They have contributed to the further activation, enrichment, and development of the University's SDGs activities. This program began in July 2019, and the kick-off meeting was attended by approximately 140 participants, mostly the University's students, but also high school students. Approximately 300 Okayama University SDGs Ambassador have been appointed, mainly by our students (as of March 2022).
Faculty, staff and students of the University may apply at any time using the form below.
Activities Okayama University SDGs Ambassador
The Okayama University SDGs Ambassador aim to learn about the SDGs, share this knowledge with as many people as possible, and, based on their own interests, make the SDGs as a personal problem.
Please refer to the introduction video of Okayama University SDGs Ambassador created by the SDGs Ambassador Management Department.
Okayama University SDGs Ambassador Introduction Video
There are two types of activities: individual activities in which each person (or group) is responsible for his or her own activities, and authorized activities in which each person (or group) receives support from the university.
Approved activities submit a proposal to the university with a faculty advisor and the proposal is then approved by the SDGs Promotion Planning Council.
Once approved, the activities can be carried out with various support from the university, if necessary.
Here we would like to introduce some of these activities.
University-approved activities
Okayama University TABLE FOR TWO
TABLE FOR TWO (TFT) is a Japan-based initiative to simultaneously solve the world's hunger and obesity problems.
Okayama University has been working with the University Co-op to provide healthy daily menus and TFT lunchboxes, and students have been selling healthy sweets at events, and of those fees, 20 yen is donated to school lunch expenses in developing countries.
Main activities to date
In addition to the above, we also sell healthy sweets at the University's Homecoming Day and collaborated to promote and expand the use of TFT, among other things.
We're currently looking for TFT members!
SNS, etc.
Twitter:@OkadaiTFTContact us
E-mail address: okadai.tft◎gmail.com
To prevent junk mail, we have replaced the @ mark with ◎ in the e-mail addresses below. For inquiries, please contact us by replacing ◎ with the @ mark.
Students-suggested Course
We want to organize our own SDGs courses, the ones we want to take!The Student-suggested Course is giving shape to these students' thoughts and feelings. With the cooperation of faculty members, students will create courses in a way that they initiate and are also involved in the planning and management of the program.
Main activities to date
Contact us
Please contact us at Contact at the top of the page.
Nursing Practice Clothes Remake
Instead of simply discarding the practice uniforms used in nursing practice, we decided to remake them and use them.
We hold a cutting session for fourth-year nursing students in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences who have completed their practical training to learn about the SDGs and cut their practical training clothes.
The cut fabrics are remade into pocket-in-pocket and alcohol pochettes with the cooperation of Nagai Raven Corporation (https://www.nagaileben.co.jp/), a medical garment manufacturer.
Main activities to date
Contact us
E-mail address:remake.nursing◎gmail.com
To prevent junk mail, we have replaced the @ mark with ◎ in the e-mail addresses below. For inquiries, please contact us by replacing ◎ with the @ mark.
We would like to aim for a world where people can live "in their own way" from Okayama, especially from Okayama University.
We "Melody" came together with this in mind!
The organization is currently composed of 7 volunteer SDGs Ambassadors interested in issues related to gender, especially LGBTQ+(We are still accepting applications!!).
Although we are still in our infancy as an organization, we have recently given lectures on gender in high schools and conducted a large scale survey to understand the actual situation regarding LGBTQ+ in universities and other institutions.
Contact us
Please contact us at Contact at the top of the page.
Frontier School
We are working on educational activities focusing on SDGs #4 so that people can continue to enjoy learning without shying away as "everyone is a teacher."Based on the philosophy of lifelong learning, we are creating a system and a place where diverse learning can take place over the timeline of one's life.
Main activities to date
SNS, etc.
Contact us
E-mail address:frontier.school.2020◎gmail.com
To prevent junk mail, we have replaced the @ mark with ◎ in the e-mail addresses below. For inquiries, please contact us by replacing ◎ with the @ mark.
High school-university connection with private Okayama High School
This is a high school-university collaborative activity that aims to provide opportunities for high school students to think about social issues and work for solutions, and for university students themselves to delve deeper into the "SDGs" and apply the experience to their future.
Currently, we are advising high school students on their exploratory activities, holding SDGs lectures for high school students, and having high school students participate in projects proposed by university students.
We're looking to strengthen our "partnership" with many humans and organizations, so if you're interested, please contact us!
Contact us
Please contact us at Contact at the top of the page.
Ambassador Operations Department
The SDGs Ambassador Operations Department provides a place for ambassadors to connect with each other with "partnership" in mind, one of the goals of the SDGs.
We have a wide variety of activities and projects, including workshops and You Tube Live activities, etc. If you are interested in the SDGs, please contact us!!!
Main activities to date
Other activities include online social gatherings, workshops, newcomer events, and YouTubeLive to introduce our activities.
For more information, please see the following SNS.
SNS, etc.
Twitter : Okayama University SDGs Ambassadors(@okymuniv_sdgs)Instagram : Okayama University SDGs Ambassadors(@okymuniv_sdgs)
YouTube : Okayama University SDGs Ambassadors
Contact us
To prevent junk mail, we have replaced the @ mark with ◎ in the e-mail addresses below. For inquiries, please contact us by replacing ◎ with the @ mark.
Or please contact us via DM on Twitter or Instagram.
We want to make the SDGs activities at Shikata Campus as active as those at Tsushima Campus! We want to spread blood donation activities! With this in mind, Copain is active on Shikata Campus!
The Faculty of Health Sciences is considering future renovation work for the Health Sciences and other facilities. In addition to creating a "beautiful campus" accordingly, we would like to create a campus that is loved by the community by incorporating SDGs.
In addition, together with the Student Federation for Blood Donation Promotion and the Okayama Red Cross Blood Center, we will spread the word that blood donation is a familiar volunteer activity in which healthy people donate their own blood for free, and that SDGs activities can actually be easily carried out through blood donation.
If you're interested, please contact us!
Contact us
E-mail address: sdgscopain◎gmail.com
To prevent junk mail, we have replaced the @ mark with ◎ in the e-mail addresses below. For inquiries, please contact us by replacing ◎ with the @ mark.
please contact us at the contact information or Contact.