UNESCO Chair Holder and two UNESCO Chair Youth Ambassadors invited to participate in the ’UN Summit of the Future, Action Days’

From September 20 to 21, Prof. YOKOI Atsufumi, Vice President and UNESCO Chairholder at Okayama University, along with Ms. Sofía Bermúdez, Okayama University UNESCO Chair Youth Ambassador, were invited to participate in the "Summit of the Future, Action Days" as representatives of UNESCO-IESALC. This event was held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York during the period of the UN General Assembly, preceding the "Summit of the Future," which is attended by heads of state from various countries. It is an event that gathers non-state actors from around the world. Mr. ICHIKAWA Taichi, another UNESCO Chair Youth Ambassador from our university, was also invited to participate in related events in New York.

The summit aims to reaffirm commitments to the UN Charter, the SDGs, the Paris Agreement, the Convention on Biological Diversity, and other key agreements while addressing current security crises and the threats and opportunities posed by digital technologies. It aims to create opportunities to build a comprehensive multilateral system capable of leading more robust responses.

Vice President Yokoi and Ms. Bermúdez, in discussions with global leaders and various actors, aimed to adopt the outcome document 'Pact for the Future' and two accompanying documents, the 'Global Digital Compact' and the 'Declaration on Future Generations.' Their goal is to strengthen further global cooperation to accelerate these achievements and to effectively respond to current challenges for all people and future generations. Furthermore, Ms. Bermúdez and Mr. Ichikawa, in their roles as UNESCO Chair Youth Ambassadors, spoke at youth-related events held both inside and outside the UN Headquarters, stressing the importance of urgent action to address global challenges through enhanced participation of young people in decision-making processes at all levels, as well as fostering intergenerational solidarity and dialogue, a key focus of our university's mission.

Moving forward, our university will continue accelerating research, education, and social contribution efforts in a multi-stakeholder and intergenerational partnership toward co-creating a desired future for our region and the planet.

UNESCO Chair Youth Ambassador Ms. Bermudez at the UN Headquarters

In front of the “Future” sign at the UN Future Summit (at the entrance of UN Headquarters) 

(from left) UNESCO Chair Youth Ambassadors: Mr. Ichikawa, Ms. Bermudez, Vice-President and UNESCO Chair Holder Prof. Yokoi

UN Future Summit Action Day at UN Headquarters

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