Vice Executive Director Atsufumi Yokoi attends the 3rd UN STI Forum: Okayama University to share its efforts with the world

The third UN STI Forum was held at the UN Headquarters in New York on June 5 and 6 to discuss relations between SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), which the UN and its Member States work together to achieve, and STI (Science, Technology and Innovation). Mr. Atsufumi Yokoi, Vice Executive Director and Senior University Global Administrator (UGA) attended the forum.

Ambassador Toshiya Hoshino of the Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations co-chaired the forum. He was the first Japanese co-chair of the UN STI Forum. On behalf of Okayama University, Mr. Yokoi attended the forum as a stakeholder. Okayama University was the first Japanese university to attend the UN STI Forum as a stakeholder and was the only Japanese university to attend this year’s forum. About 1,000 attendees from around the world, including Mr. Yokoi, engaged in heated discussions on various topics, such as approaches to harnessing STI for the SDGs, and the significance of developing STI roadmaps, which visualize the steps for such approaches.
Okayama University will continue to promote efforts to help achieve SDGs and produce many tangible results related to STI for SDGs to share with many countries and regions, thereby solving social challenges.

Vice Exective Director Yokoi (left) and Co-chair of UN STI Forum Hoshino About 1,000 attendees engaged in heated discussions on various topics
United Nations HeadquartersOkayama University supports UN's SDGs
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