Supporting SDGs-Based Learning in High Schools
A number of high schools in Okayama prefecture are conducting a community-based learning program. OU is supporting these studies based on requests from the different high schools.
Seto High School has been engaged in “SDGs-based learning” since 2018, working with local stakeholders. OU SDGs Planning Committee has sent faculty to support the planning, to provide lectures, and to supervise student learning. High school students along with visiting faculty have also joined the academic events organized by OU, including SDGs Science Café and other public lectures. Seto High School was awarded the the Minister of Education and Science Award for Career Education. Other high schools, including four in Tsuyama City and Joto High School, enjoy OU’s support for community-based learning.
Expected Outcome
Through collaborations between OU and high schools, high school students can achieve deeper learning experiences and encourage such collaborative efforts to grow broadly to support such studies.