Development of High Sensitive Superconducting Detectors for Quantum Imaging
Overview and objectives
For high sensitive photon detection, semiconductor and photomultiplier have been used so far. These detectors are able to count the number of visible photons, but are not sensitive to the color. Our aim is to develop an array of superconducting detectors to measure individual photon's position and color in a wide wavelength range to yield a quantum imaging. It will be possible from a new perspective to study the dark matter and unknown properties of neutrinos. In addition, by elucidating bioluminescence and physical property, it may be possible to probe chemical reactions that supports life activity, yielding a prospect for the medical application.
Future plan
Under cooperative researches with AIST to understand the basic property of the superconducting detectors. We have developed a readout system of the superconducting detector array. We will start the development of an array consisting of 1000 detectors. In future, we will expand our activities from the basic science to the application for consumer uses.