Science Experiments that Weave Together Local Community and University through Children's Curiosity - Bringing the Joy of Science to Children through Visiting Experiments -
Social Background
Since around 1990, there has been an increase in the number of youths who are not interested in science, and in recent years, educational disparities have become an issue due to the income of parents. In response to these issues, universities, in cooperation with local communities, are expected to contribute to society by providing future generations with equal opportunities to experience the excitement of science.
Purpose of the activity
The purpose of the program is to promote interest in science among local elementary school students and to expand the network between the university and the local community.
Outline of Activities
Conduct various scientific experiments related to engineering at elementary schools and kid's groups.
By visiting schools, we provide opportunities for children who would not normally be able to participate in such events to experience the fun of science.
In parallel with this, we also offer "engineering experiment classes," in which students are invited to come to the university and experience the cutting-edge equipment that only a university can provide.
Expected effects
Many children, regardless of where they live or their family environment, will be able to have equally high-quality experiences. By incorporating engineering into the program, it is possible to deepen understanding of the effective use of resources and industrial technology, and to develop human resources for future technological innovation.
◎This initiative received the Encouragement Award of the FY2021 Okayama University SDGs Promotion Award (President Award). Please watch the video below to see the activity presentation.
Presentation of the FY2021 Okayama University SDGs Promotion Award (President Award) "Science Experiments that Weave Together Local Community and University through Children's Curiosity"

Visiting experiments conducted to date

Engineering Experiment Classroom at Okayama University

The Engineering Experiment Classroom at Online
Visiting Experiment Working Group, Technical Support Division, Center for Creative Engineering, Faculty of Engineering