Medical Education Student Council (Education Planning Unit)


In order to make medical education better for both students and faculty, a "Medical Education Student Council" was established, officially recognized by Okayama university, with volunteer students from each grade level. The Student Council is divided into various Units, each working together to improve medical education.


We are working to ensure that all medical students at Okayama University can effectively and efficiently advance their studies at the university. Through dialogue with faculty and staff, we are making improvements while taking into account the state of medical education. 

Details of Initiatives

The Curriculum Committee, an official committee consisting of faculty staff and students, participates in reviewing the educational goals for the six years of the college and editing the placement and time, etc. of individual lectures. We also hold meetings with volunteer faculty members to discuss a wide range of topics, including submitting items for consideration by the Curriculum Committee and planning various projects.

Results of Initiatives

The current medical school curriculum is being adjusted for the next academic year, taking into consideration issues raised by students, and is being improved to enable efficient learning with as little burden as possible on the faculty as well. Particular emphasis is placed on the MRI (Medical Research Internship) in the third year. In addition, a survey was conducted on how students were burdened by online lectures and practical training, which became common with the spread of the novel coronavirus, to provide faculty members with ideas for improvement.



Medical Education Student Association (Education Planning Unit)

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