Efforts toward medical-educational collaboration for children with hearing loss
Social background
With the early detection of congenital deafness, the early start of intervention, and the lowering trend in the age of application of inner ear operations, the hearing ability and language development of children and persons with hearing loss (hereafter referred to as "children with hearing loss") have been improving. In recent years, the number of children with hearing loss who receive inclusive education in local schools rather than in special schools has been increasing, with more than 60% of these children receiving inclusive education. However, in actual school life, problems with hearing difficulty have not been completely eliminated, and there are many children with hearing loss who have problems and challenges.Purposes of the activities
Provide educators with accurate information about the conditions and problems of children with hearing loss and how to provide appropriate care and support.Overview of activities
In order for educators to provide appropriate care and support, homeroom teachers need to be knowledgeable about hearing loss and hearing difficulty in children with hearing loss, and it is advisable to lower the hurdle to understanding with approachable instructional materials. We created a pamphlet for teachers about problems that children with hearing loss tend to have in their school life (hearing difficulty, learning, friendships, etc.) and necessary measures.Results
The first edition of 1,000 copies, published in February 2021, was requested by many prefectures in Japan and had been distributed to 38 medical institutions, 10 intervention and educational institutions and six administrative organizations as of April 10. This pamphlet was registered in the repository of the Okayama University Library, and more than 4,000 copies have been downloaded, and an additional 2,000 copies were printed and distributed to all elementary, junior high and senior high schools that are attended by children with hearing loss in Osaka, Mie, Kochi and other prefectures. It has also been selected for a joint project with OHK.Achievements
Recommended by the Japanese Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, the School Health Committee and the Infants Committee Lectures at the Japan Society for Pediatric ORL, School Health and School Physicians Conventions, the Japan Audiological Society, etc.
“For teachers: What is important in the school life of elementary, junior high school and senior high school students with hearing loss”

OHK Live News on September 14, 2021