Proposal for unit structure to systematically foster systems thinking throughout the three grades using carbon cycle as a keyword
Purposes and activities
To realize a sustainable society, junior high schools also need to provide education with an ESD perspective in various subject classes. In the science classes at the Junior High School Attached to the Faculty of Education, Okayama University, we proposed a curriculum for systematically fostering perspectives on climate change and systems thinking (sustainability key competency) throughout the three grades, using carbon cycle as a keyword and actually provided classes.Learning content in each grade
(1st grade) Materials around us
“Exploring carbon dioxide from a global environmental perspective” (2nd grade) Chemical changes and atoms and molecules
“Thinking of photosynthesis and respiration in terms of chemical changes”
(3rd grade) For the Earth and our future
“CO2 emissions reduction through the carbon cycle”
Expected effects
We believe that this will lead to the development of attitudes that will enable students to make wise decisions about the global environment, where various factors are intricately related, based on scientific evidence while using systems thinking.
