Formation of Centre of Excellence to Promote Teacher Education for ESD: Towards Achieving SDGs
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) led by UNESCO is the key enabler to achieving SDGs and is accelerating under the UNESCO’s policy of “ESD for 2030: Towards achieving the SDGs.” Okayama University, the only UNESCO chair on ESD in Asia and the main institution of the United Nations University accredited Regional Centre of Expertise on ESD (Okayama City), has been promoting advanced efforts for ESD teacher education. This research project supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Core-to-Core Program (Type A. Advanced Research Networks) from 2021 to 2024 will form a network with the Centres of Excellence (COE) of four countries in Europe and North America (Germany, Norway, Slovenia, and Canada). It will also promote advanced research on ESD teacher education and train next-generation researchers. By spreading the fruitful results of this project to 132 teacher education institutions (cooperating institutions of each COE, etc.) around the world, the project contributes to dramatically improve the research on ESD teacher education.