Cross-Disciplinary Research and Education on Gender and Sexuality
As part of group-based projects funded by the Faculty of Letters, nine to ten faculty members of diverse disciplinary backgrounds have been engaged in a collaborative research project on the issues of gender and sexuality since 2015. The major activities center around the planning and implementation of open lectures, symposiums and workshops on a variety of pressing issues, including the visualization of sexual minorities, legalization of same-sex marriages, reconceptualization of gender roles such as working styles and the division of household chores, and the gendered perspective of Japanese ancient history. These programs have offered an arena where citizens, students, as well as academics can get together to exchange knowledge and experiences to deepen their understanding of the issues related to gender and sexuality in both contemporary and historical contexts.
We also provide gender-related courses for undergraduate students under with our “theme-based clusters” program, one of the unique features of Faculty of Letters.
Future plan
We aim to tackle the issues around gender and sexuality through our individual as well as collaborative research activities, while valuing our commitment to provide an eye-opening opportunities to the wider public through outreach events.
