What is the university education required to achieve the SDGs?
Social background
With SDGs gaining momentum, we need to revisit what to educate at the university.
This activity follows the question, “What scientific education is needed to achieve the SDGs?“
In lectures and government committees, we convey the need of the framework of scientific thinking: "Analysis of issues -> Asking questions -> New hypotheses -> Collecting evidence -> Sharing the results". Especially in light of the achievement of the SDGs, we emphasize that the steps of “Analysis of issues”, “Questions” and “New hypotheses” need more insights, learning and skills acquisition. For the "gathering of evidence" step, I published a book on the followings in the local language: 1) what kind of evidence are scientifically appropriate, 2) how to collect evidence beyond the distinction between humanities and sciences. More than 3000 copies of the book was sold domestically.
Expected effects
Achievement of SDGs 4 and 9.