Everyone can experience SDGs on campus! TFT meal now available via “student-co-op” collaboration!!

     Starting April 8, 2019, Okayama University has been offering TFT (TABLE FOR TWO International) meals at the cafeteria on the 3rd floor of the Peach Union. Okayama Univ. Co-op made one student’s idea a reality to introduce TFT to help feed children in developing countries.
     TFT is a social contribution program from Japan, aimed at resolving two social issues at the same time: metabolic syndrome in advanced countries and starvation in developing countries. If you have a healthy TFT meal, 20 yen of the price you pay is donated to the TFT International into a fund for delivering meals to children in Africa and Asia. In this way, you help fulfill the TFT program’s purpose – helping to eliminate starvation.
     A basic TFT meal is 311 yen (tax incl.), with a main dish of the day and two small dishes. Even if you add a small bowl of rice and miso soup, the meal satisfies the TFT guideline to provide a “healthy meal of approx. 730 kcal with plenty of vegetables.” A healthy meal in Japan thus leads to a hot meal for children in Africa and Asia. Mr. Takuya Nakazawa (2nd year, Faculty of Economics), who proposed the system, says: “One of the advantages of this system is that everyone can become familiar with SDGs by having a TFT meal, and participate in the SDG initiative as an actor. It would be a pleasure for me if students at our university become inspired by the TFT meals and get involved in the SDGs more proactively.”
     I hope that more people on campus will, by having TFT meals, become familiar with SDGs, participate in the SDG initiative, and join in producing new SDG programs at Okayama University.

TFT program has helped feed African and Asian children and thus contributed toward drastically improving the school attendance rate.
Mr. Nakazawa (left), who proposed the TFT introduction, with Okayama Univ. Co-op staff
Example of a TFT meal (440 yen, tax incl.), with a small bowl of rice and miso soup
POP ad on the table explaining TFT
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