Community collaborative initiative for chronic kidney disease

Purpose and activity

  There are approximately 13 million chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients in Japan. They are at risk for dialysis treatment for chronic renal failure, and CKD itself is a serious risk factor for developing cardiovascular disease (CVD). A medical collaboration system to cover the overwhelming shortage in nephrologists is urgently needed. The purpose of this project is to broadly disseminate and raise awareness of CKD, create an efficient system to prevent aggravation through early CKD detection and intervention from the perspective of universal health coverage, and build a comprehensive system to lengthen the healthy lifespan of aging CKD patients. The project cooperates with and supports the national health insurance medical checkup programs held by Okayama City, Mimasaka City, and other local governments in the prefecture, holds seminars for Okayama Prefecture local government employees and medical practitioners on kidney disease care, acts as a joint participant in health lectures offered by local governments in Okayama Prefecture, sponsors and co-sponsors CKD awareness raising events and public lectures in Okayama Prefecture, and builds an efficient medical collaboration system for medical institutions in Okayama Prefecture.

Future plan

  To construct an order-made CKD regional collaboration system tailored to the population distribution and medical resources. Will increase citizen recognition of CKD through awareness raising activities, and aim to prevent CKD aggravation and extend healthy lifespans.



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